"I now feel like a new man. I have never been so fit in my life before. I am more confident, stronger, leaner and most importantly – I have the knowledge to stay in shape year-round."
"I lost 8kg in the first 8 weeks which kept me motivated for more!"
ATP is fairly new on the scene, but I knew the manager who has been running successful personal training gyms for more than 4 years now so I was confident that his team was going to be the best.
I was in such a bad place when it came to my self body image, self confidence and my general lifestyle. For me it was a sink or swim situation where if I didn’t make this work there was going to be some serious repercussions down the line with regards to my ability to make these changes on my own. I told myself I need to make this change.
I was about 15kg overweight, feeling terribly unfit and my lifestyle at the time was only going to make things worse. I was transitioning into a new job and I just wanted to feel good about myself.
I’ve made a full 180 from when I first started to now. I was previously fat, depressed, unhealthy, unfit, drinking copious amounts of alcohol and always making up excuses as to why I wasn’t in shape.
"I now feel like a new man. I have never been so fit in my life before. I am more confident, stronger, leaner and most importantly – I have the knowledge to stay in shape year-round."
It was hard in the beginning, I won’t lie. It just showed me how out of whack my current lifestyle was. But I told myself to commit and stay dedicated.
Initially my friends gave me a bit of stick for not drinking as much as I would or committing to regular big nights out. But with what I wanted to work towards , I told myself to prioritise my health now. I can always join them on friday night drinks anytime, but now is the time to commit to myself.
Once I made that conscious decision to commit fully to the nutrition, training and positive lifestyle changes – I lost 8kg in the first 8 weeks! When I saw these results happening I was hooked. Before I started I had been a bit scared that I would finish my plan with ATP and just go back to my old ways and gain all that weight back.
I’m more confident, disciplined, and more organised. I am fitting into my work clothes a whole lot better which I know is a physical thing but also a mental thing as it has given me far more confidence in my job and a whole lot more confidence in general. I can now walk into a room with my shoulders back feeling confident about myself because I look a lot better than I used to. I don’t think that’s a case of vanity. When you feel good within yourself you are projecting that out.
The effort I have put into planning my meals and exercise has crossed over into my work life. I’ve become a morning person by habit and I’ve never been so fit. Which feels amazing.
I am 100% more in touch with what I am eating and the effect it has on my body. I never really thought about my nutrition before. Booze and copious amounts of whatever food I wanted was the extent of my “diet”. I would have a big night out, then spend the weekend inactive, hungover and eating what I wanted.
My coaches have been very good at educating me along the way with regards to nutrition and how I can plan around and make small changes during the day and week so I can still enjoy a night out and not have to suffer the indulgent consequences.
All I can say is give it a go, commit to the program, be totally dedicated to the goal you want to achieve, because when you see those results happening you will be hooked!