Lawyers Dora and Byron had tried personal training before but found it unrealistic, restrictive and impossible to integrate with their busy careers and social lives. Then they tried a different approach with ATP.

In fact, before coming to ATP they actually ended up feeling more stressed out by the ordeal with their previous trainer. It was clear that ATP’s approach was superior, and a far better fit for them. After a short period of time working with ATP the results speak for themselves.Byron has lost 13.5kg whilst Dora is down 5kg and both have shredded their body fat levels.
What prompted you to make a change?
Byron: For me, I think it’s an alarm bell coming from my clothes. Earlier this year, one of the buttons just popped off and it was a very visual alarm bell.
I said, “I have to get started”.
I started coming to ATP because of Dora. I now come to ATP because of my trainer Benny. So we felt very proud of ourselves as a couple.

Have you exercised much in the past?
Dora: I have been to many different gyms, be it chain or boutique, and participated in a variety of personal training programs but none of these compare to what I have experienced here at ATP Personal Training!

"The excuse everybody gives is that "We're very busy. We don't have time for this." coming in and working with the coaches helps you realize that time is something you make for yourself."

"The plan is tailored to your personal goals, lifestyle and physique."

What has been the biggest change since working with your coach at ATP?
Byron: The excuse everybody gives, or at least we did, is that “We’re very busy. We don’t have time for this.” I think coming in and working with the coaches helps you realize that time is something you make for yourself.
Dora: That also makes you reflect on how to make your career more sustainable, how it can go together with our professional development. For me, I was coming in with the hope of just to maximize or kind of like strengthen my performance at yoga, obviously it has transformed into more of the body building awareness and also obtaining a healthier lifestyle.

"After a few weeks with Benny and ATP, I feel healthier and physically stronger and, more importantly, I believe this is sustainable."
What has it been like going through the process together?
Dora: It feels like we have built something together and we have a much healthier lifestyle and also a common goal to work towards, together. Which is really good.

"It feels like we have built something together and we have a much healthier lifestyle and a common goal to work towards."

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