I’m 37 years old and a full time working mother of two. I’ve got two young children. A five year old and a one year old. And so the main motivation for me has actually been getting back into shape after the birth of my second child.
I have, it was really hard just to do it on my own. So obviously, I tried eating healthy on my own, you know, doing some exercise but wasn’t getting the results.
So at the end of the day, I thought, you know, I’ve got to invest the time for myself to get a proper trainer and come to the gym on a regular basis. And I never done weight training before so it was totally new to me. That’s why I wanted a professional to guide me along the way.
In total I’ve lost 9kg. I never thought I could lose that much weight in that period of time. I think the most impressive one is the waist girth, it went down 20cm over 3 months. I just feel like a totally different person, to be honest.
It’s been like the best decision ever.
It’s just been life changing, like in all aspects. It’s not just my health, but I feel more energized to spend time with my kids. At work I feel like I’m more effective, and efficient.
Everyone makes excuses and says, “I don’t have the time” you’ve got to just not make any excuses for yourself and do it for yourself and just make the time. Like for me, I think especially for working mothers and just mothers in general, spoil yourself. Put in the time for yourself.
We always prioritize, our family, our kids, our work. But really we should do this for ourselves and not for anybody else. It’s totally worth and it translates into all the other aspects of your life.