After shooting 100s of fitness photoshoots Professional Photographer Keith finally decided it was time to get his own body photoshoot-ready
After personally witnessing the results of dozens of transformations at ATP Personal Training Keith knew that the accountability and structure that comes form working with our approach would work for him.
As a professional photographer I have captured many different kind of athletes and worked with many clients who have successfully completed their own physical transformations. I’ve been shooting ATP clients for a few years now and I’m always impressed by the results I see the ATP team achieving with clients.
So this year I decided to finally do my own body transformation because I wanted to walk-the-walk and become and inspiration for my clients and friends.
Obviously Keith’s job involves hours in at his computer editing photoshoots. We mitigated the hours spent in front of a screen and ensured that he was locking in better circadian rhythms. We encouraged him to start the day with some sunlight in the mornings and to use blue-light blocking technology on his laptops and phone at night.
In addition Keith added in an evening walk most days. This helped him to decompress from the stresses of work before bed and added in some extra low level activity and movement to boost his metabolic rate.
Keith was overconsuming carbs and undereating protein- partly due to only eating one meal per day. We flipped this paradigm and increased the frequency of his meals and the amount of protein.
He switched up to eating more meals and instantly felt improvements in his energy which had a positive impact on his daily energy levels and focus at work.
Keith covered the basics- he trained 3 times per week at our gym with his ATP personal training coach and then completed additional workout sessions a couple of times per week on his own. He aimed for 10,000 steps each day to boost his background levels of movement. This was relatively straightforward to implement.
His resistance training program was geared towards making progress in strength every session on each lift rather than just chasing pointless volume and trying to do more work, a common trap which he had fallen into in the past.